Details for Christian Worldview
This paper sets out the theological content of a Christian worldview, derived from the Scriptures and Christian tradition. It provides the basic skills necessary to model and teach this worldview to the church and society.
Quick Info
- Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
- Course code: THEL01
- Credit points: 15
Awards offering Christian Worldview
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Unit Content
Curriculum Objective
This paper sets out the theological content of a Christian worldview, derived from the Scriptures and Christian tradition. It provides the basic skills necessary to model and teach this worldview to the church and society.
By the end of this paper students should be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the meaning and importance of worldview for life, vocation and ministry.
- Show familiarity with the sources of Christian worldview
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of the central dimensions of Christian worldview, including the Triune God, Christology and pneumatology, grace and salvation, and the nature and mission of the church.
- Understand the relevance of these components for self-understanding and practice of the contemporary Pentecostal church.
Subject Content
- Introduction to Christian Worldview
- The Sources and Data For a Christian Worldview
- The Triune God
- God the Creator
- Humanity in the Image of God
- Human Alienation: it’s Origins and Consequences
- The Person of Christ
- The Work of Jesus Christ
- Conversion and Sanctification
- Spirit Baptism
- The Nature of the Church
- Redemptive Human Relationships
- Christian Hope
- Making the Link
Prescribed Text
McGrath, Alister E. Theology: The basics. 4th edition. John Wiley & Sons, 2017.
Representative References
Elwell, W. (editor)Evangelical Dictionary of Theology. The Concise Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, abridged by Peter Toon. Grand Rapids, Mich: Baker Book House 1991.
Green, McNight & Marshall (editors),Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels. Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press 1992
Grenz, S.J.Theology for the Community of God, Carlisle: Paternoster, 1994
Hawthorne, Martin & Reid (editors),Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, Downers Grove, IL: Inter-VarsityPress 1993
Horton, S.M,Systematic Theology: A Pentecostal Perspective, Springfield, Mo: Logion Press c1994
McGrath, A.E,Christian Theology: An Introduction, (Cambridge, Mass: Blackwell 1997
Migliore, D,Faith Seeking Understanding - An Introduction to Christian Theology, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans 1991
Milne, B,Know the Truth (3rd ed), Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press 2009
Smail, Walker and Wright,Charismatic Renewal: The Search for a Theology, London: SPCK 1993
Torrance, T.F.The Trinitarian Faith, Edinburgh: T & T Clark 1995
Wells, D.F,God in the Wasteland; The Reality of Truth in a World of Fading Dreams, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans 1994
Wright, N. T.Who was Jesus? London: SPCK 1992