Details for Christian Spirituality and Vocation
This paper explains a range of both traditional and contemporary expressions of spirituality including Pentecostal movements and explores the various approaches throughout history to vocation and calling. Spiritual disciplines are discussed and applied.
Quick Info
- Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
- Course code: SPI201
- Credit points: 15
No pre-requisite
Awards offering Christian Spirituality and Vocation
This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:
Unit Content
Curriculum Objective
This paper explains a range of both traditional and contemporary expressions of spirituality including Pentecostal movements and explores the various approaches throughout history to vocation and calling. Spiritual disciplines are discussed and applied.
Students should be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of a range of traditional and contemporary expressions of spirituality
- Compare dogmatic and anthropological spiritualities, and identify the theological worldview framing alternate approaches
- Explain historical developments in Christian conceptions of vocation and calling. This includes consideration of other Christian perspectives and understandings
- Analyse approaches to the experience of God dominant in Pentecostal and charismatic movements
- Apply and discuss the value of spiritual disciplines
- Explain the relationship between faith and vocation
- Appraise some different ecumenical views towards spirituality and vocation
Subject Content
- Christian theology and philosophy and its implications for spiritual practices
- Spirituality in the Scriptures, and its role in guiding spiritual practice today
- Key figures in the history of Pentecostal spirituality
- Exploration of tikanga Maori and Maori spirituality
- Practices of spiritual discipline
- Vocation and calling in the scriptures, in the Christian tradition, and in the contemporary church
- The concept of “the priesthood of all believers,” and its implications for ministry and vocation
This course may be offered in the following formats
face to face and online engagement
Assessment Methods
Critical Book Review (25%, 1250 words); Major Essay (50%, 2500 words); Exam (25%, 1 hour)
Prescribed Text
Bradley P. Holt, Thirsty for God: A Brief History of Christian Spirituality. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2005.
Gary Thomas, Sacred Pathways: Discover Your Soul’s Path to God. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1996.
Representative References
Albrecht, D. Rites in the Spirit: a Ritual Approach to Pentecostal/Charismatic Spirituality. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999.
Badcock, G. The Way of Life: A Theology of Christian Vocation. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2002.
Bateman, H.W. Authentic Worship: Hearing Scripture’s Voice, Applying its Truth. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2002.
Berger, P. A Rumour of Angels: Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the Supernatural. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
Chant, B. Praying in the Spirit. Tonbridge:Sovereign World, 2002.
Collins, K. Exploring Christian Spirituality: An Ecumenical Reader. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2000.
Coombs, M. and F. Nemeck. Called by God: A Theology of Vocation and Lifelong Commitment. Collegeville, Minn: Michael Glazier, 2001.
Danaher, J. “On Prayer and Forgiveness.” Evangelical Review of Theology 30:4 (2006):362-369.
Dongsoo, K. “Lukan Pentecostal Theology of Prayer: Is Persistent Prayer Not Biblical?” Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 7:2 (2004): 205-217.
Ellis, C. Gathering: A Theology and Spirituality of Worship in Free Church Tradition. London: SCM, 2004.
Garrett, G. Into the World You Love: Encountering God in Everyday Life. Adelaide: ATF Press, 2007.
Grenz, S. Prayer: The Cry for the Kingdom. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2005.
Gross, R. and T. Muck, Christians Talk About Buddhist Meditation, Buddhists Talk About Christian Prayer. New York: Continuum, 2003.
Haughey, J (ed.). Revisiting the Idea of Vocation. Washington D.C.: Catholic University of America, 2004.
Land, S. Pentecostal Spirituality. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic, 1993.
McGrath, A. Christian Spirituality: An Introduction. Malden: Blackwell, 1999.
Ma, W. and R. Menzies. The Spirit and Spirituality. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 2004.
Ranson, D. Across the Great Divide - Bridging Spirituality and Religion Today. Strathfield, N.S.W.: St Paul's Publications, 2002.
Richie, T. “Awe-Full Encounters: A Pentecostal Conversation with C.S.Lewis Concerning Spiritual Experience.” Journal of Pentecostal Theology 14:1 (2005): 99-122.
Stevens, R. & M. Green, Living the Story: Biblical Spirituality for Everyday Christians. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003.
Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies
Journal of Pentecostal Theology
Mystics Quarterly
Spirit and Life
Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality