레벨 7 현대 사역학 한국어 학사과정에 오신것을 환영합니다. 현대 사역학 한국어 학사 과정 학업을 하는 학생들로 하여금 현대 기독교 신학을 공부하게 하고 나누며 분석하고 요약하며 평가하며 여러 관련 주제들과 함께 다루며 정립해가는 과정입니다. 그리고 그와 관련된 사역에 대한 이해도를 높여서 올바른 사역과 리더쉽을 키우고 영적인형성에 집중하며 실제적 사역에 대해 배우는 과정입니다.
This Level 7 undergraduate degree programme aims to provide students with knowledge and skills with which to collect, analyse, organize, summarize and critically evaluate information on a broad range of topics and contemporary issues in Christian Theology and ministry from a wide range of sources. It is designed to help people in their ministry and leadership, focusing on spiritual and character formation as well as practical aspects of ministry.
과정에 대한 모든 문의는 아래 이메일로 연락주시면 감사하겠습니다.
Email: peter.park@acnz.ac.nz
The Bachelor of Contemporary Ministry (BCMin-Korean) degree is designed to help you prepare for Christian vocation by combining career training with spiritual development. The BCMin is designed for the Church of the 21st Century: a church that promotes social justice, relates to the global community and encourages new ways to worship God and engage today’s youth.
현대 사역학 한국어 과정은 그리스도인들의 사명과 영성 그리고 사역이 준비되는 과정입니다. 21세기 교회를 위해 디자인 되었으며 사회정의와 글로벌 커뮤니티와 연결이 되어지며 새로운 영역의 예배와 다음세대 자녀들을 향한 사역을 격려하는 프로그램 입니다.
Structure 구조
The BCMin is made up of a total of 24 papers (15 credits each, for a total of 360 cedits).
총 24과목의 페이퍼로 구성되어있습니다 (한과목당 15 크레딧이며, 총 360크레딧을 따게 됩니다.)
Every programme for this award shall include / 과정을 마치시기 까지 필요한 과목 구성은 아래와 같습니다:
- Christian Studies Major (8 papers, compulsory) 기독교학 과목 8개 AND
- Pastoral Ministry Major (8 papers) OR 2 x Minors (4 papers each, Pastoral Ministry, Leadership, Biblical Studies, Theology) / 목회학 과목 8과목
- Elective Subjects (8 papers) / 교양과목 8과목
Christian Studies Major (Compulsory)
The Christian Studies Major forms the core of the BCMin award. It is aimed at developing in students a solid understanding of the Christian faith (biblically, historically & theologically), with well-informed ethical principles and founded on disciplines of Christian spirituality. It consists of the following papers:
- Narrative of the First Testament (BIB101)
- Writings of the New Testament (BIB102)
- Understanding the Faith(THE101)
- Biblical Hermeneutics (BIB201)
- Personal and Public Ethics (THE205)
- Christian Spirituality and Vocation (SPI201)
- 1 x Theology Paper (300 level)
- 1 x Biblical or Theology Paper (300 level)
Pastoral Ministry Major
The traditional core of Christian ministry education has been to train professional ministers and pastors. The BCMin continues this core focus in serving churches by providing equipped ministers. The Pastoral Ministry Major specialises in providing students with a systematic and coherent approach to pastoral formation and practice. The specialization will include outlining approaches to the theory of pastoral ministry, as well as opportunities for developing pastoral ministry skills and workplace experience.
Biblical Studies Minor
The Biblical Studies Minor provides students the opportunity to delve deeper within the biblical text, improving their exegetical skills and understanding.
Theology Minor
The Theology Minor provides students the opportunity to delve deeper into theological understandings of Christian doctrines, foundations of faith, spirituality and their context.
Leadership Minor
The Leadership Minor aims to provide students with an understanding of the theory of leadership, as well as how to develop leadership and management skills, with opportunities for leadership growth and workplace experience.
Pastoral Ministry Minor
The Pastoral Ministry Minor specialises in providing students with the theories for pastoral formation and practice. Opportunities for developing pastoral ministry skills and workplace experience are also included.
Length Of Programme
- Full-Time: 3 Years (4 papers per semester)
- Part-Time: Up to 6 Years (average of 2 papers per semester)
Delivery Modes
- Face-to-Face (weekly 3 hour lectures)
- Intensive (4-5 days of lectures delivered within a one week period)
- Extensive (4-5 days lectures delivered across a Semester period)
- Online Delivery (distance learning)
How to Apply
To apply for admission to the Bachelor of Contemporary Ministry please download the application form.
과정에 대한 모든 문의는 아래 이메일로 연락주시면 감사하겠습니다.
Email: peter.park@acnz.ac.nz