Breaking News:



Alphacrucis is to offer, for the first time in New Zealand, a comprehensive course in Christian Chaplaincy.

Whether it is with sports teams, in hospitals, in industrial situations, in prisons, the armed services or on the spot in disaster situations, chaplains are making a difference. Across Australia and New Zealand the role of chaplain is rapidly growing in acceptance and influence. Previously people have been appointed into the role of a chaplain with little or no experience. Today, however, we are living in an increasingly complex society where both government and industry providers are placing great emphasis on quality training and skill development. Alphacrucis is working with Chaplaincy Australia to bring a whole new level of effective Chaplaincy training to new Zealand.

The course is spread over a year and consists of five three day intensives and one workplace project leading to the certificate. I

f you have always wanted to work in your community in a holistic and effective manner then this course is for you.

Starts August 2009.

For more information contact


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