New South Island Chaplaincy Intake

Alphacrucis and Chaplaincy Australia are partnering together again for a new intake of the comprehensive course in Christian Chaplaincy.

Intensive 1 is on 20-24 September 2010 in Oamaru and 2 subsequent intensives of 5 days duration are to be held 28 February-4 March 2011 and 8-12 August 2011 (in Oamaru).

Alphacrucis and Chaplaincy Australia are both committed to providing quality accredited training to ensure that chaplains are euipped to provide a high standard of care to the community in their chosen chaplaincy field.

Topics covered in the course include:
•Foundations of chaplaincy
ABC of communications
•Personal and cultural worldviews
•Human spirituality and religion
•Suffering and spiritual distress
•Loss and grief
•Managing conflict
•Cultural diversity
•Crisis intervention
•Theological reflection, self care and supervision
•Mental health
•Influential legislative, environmental and workplace factors

To enrol or for further information, contact Alphacrucis on (09) 580 1500 or


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