“Preaching takes place when we present TRUTH with CLARITY and PASSION” G. Campbell-Morgan


Good preaching demands at least three things from us:

  •  The ability to discover and understand the truth of God’s Word as God originally intended it
  • The skill of presenting that truth clearly in order that all can understand it and receive it 
  •  A passion in our delivery technique that draws our audience to the message and inspires them to do something with it in their daily lives.

Why is good preaching important? In spite of the technological advances of recent times, preaching still remains the highly effective communication tool that has served the church for centuries. Nothing can replace the effectiveness of Bible based and Holy Spirit Inspired preaching. The reasons for this are many. Firstly, good preaching involves a dynamic “life flow”. The Bible, God’s Word inspired by the Holy Spirit, is received and interpreted by a knowledgeable preacher, who presents it with skill to an eager and open audience, who in turn are touched and inspired by the same Holy Spirit. Nothing can duplicate such a powerful flow of life. Other medium can entertain and inform, but preaching has the potential to change lives! Good preaching helps build Biblical belief systems and solid life foundations. Preaching must be Biblical and it must be practical. It should take the eternal truths of God’s Word and apply them to the daily lives of today’s congregations. Nothing less will do! Good preaching also awakens within God’s people a hunger for the Word of God. It should inspire and empower God’s people to read and study the Bible for themselves. Only then will we be moving towards fulfilling the great commission to go and make DISCIPLES! Finally good preaching should be a “life change agent”. Unless our preaching has changed lives as its goal, it is in danger of missing the mark. May all who aspire to preach understand that it is a high calling. It is a calling which demands that we continue to grow and develop the skills we have in order to effectively communicate the life-giving power of God’s Word.


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