This very valuable and helpful course has been developed at Alphacrucis / Phlair International College to meet a need that has not been met elsewhere. Many migrants struggle to be understood and to understand native speakers of English, this makes it very difficult for them to get good jobs despite many of them being well educated in their own country and some of them even here in NZ.

Language barriers also create all sorts of problems for migrants wanting to take a greater part in the community, being able to access health and other services etc. Many lack the confidence to speak to native speakers and can find themselves feeling isolated in stressful situations at times.

Pronunciation of English is usually tacked on to a curriculum and not given a great deal of prominence in most English language courses. This fully funded course, the primary focus is on pronunciation, accuracy and fluency. It is suited to students who have a good intermediate level of English, who want to gain confidence in promoting themselves to employers, to relate to people in their community eg schools, and to make a contribution to NZ society.

The unique feature of this course is the individual assessment of each student’s particular pronunciation errors and difficulties. One on one time is given to each student with an experienced ESL teacher (Jan Cowen) who specialises in Pronunciation. Jan is committed to helping her students realize their potential and to them gaining in confidence in their ability to communicate in English. She inspires and motivates her students to achieve their goals.

Michael Wang also contributes as a co-teacher one day a week. His knowledge and understanding of learner needs and his passion for teaching and helping students in the area of fluency also brings an added dimension to the course. While 12 weeks isn’t very long, this course gives the students the knowledge and skills to continue to work on their own after the course has finished. Over time with hard work, perseverance and practice, significant changes can be made.

For further information or to enrol in this FREE Spoken English Course, please email or speak with our Enquiries Office on (09) 580 1500.


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