Alphacrucis Library

Our aim is to have 30,000 volumes in the next ten years ….. any bequests or donations will be gratefully received!

Alphacrucis Library

Alphacrucis Library

At the heart of any academic institution there is a good library.

We have almost completed re-establishing the Alphacrucis library by merging the existing collection with Phlair’s books and housing this in our new premises.

Our librarian Miriam Woolston has done a fantastic job and the library now looks great as well as providing an invaluable resource. The combined collection holds approximately 17000 current volumes with a further 1000 items in our historic section.

The main part of the collection is Christian studies but there is a strong section for business and management. We are also developing a general reading section which will be great for language students. Our next step will be to put the catalogue online so that people can we access it from anywhere.

While a huge amount of intellectual property is on the internet, there is still a need to maintain such a large physical resource. Steve Allen , the Dean of Christian Studies states “we have the basis of a sound academic library collection, our books are up-to-date, relevant and represent the best of scholarship in Christian studies.

Students also have access to print and electronic journals enabling them to engage effectively with the literature in each discipline. Our aim is to have 30,000 volumes in the next ten years ….. any bequests or donations will be gratefully received! We believe that such a resource will be an great asset to the Pentecostal churches in New Zealand.”

While the library is primarily a resource for our students we are now providing paid access at $100/year for everyone who is not a current student.

To obtain a borrower application form (a pre-requisite for all borrowers) please download the form from our Documents section.


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