Commemorative Painting

Alpahacrucis - Tim Hall - Original

Alpahacrucis - Tim Hall - Original

Tim Hall, an internationally acclaimed artist, Pastor and Evangelist, has gifted Alphacrucis with a commemorative painting that celebrates and captures the spirit of our new era, new vision and new name.

The painting highlights Alphacrucis, the brightest star in the Southern Cross formation, sitting at the foot of the cross. Furthermore, it has been acclaimed as one of Tim’s finest works and we are delighted to partner with him.

Tim has recently painted a portrait of Sir Donald Bradman, which sold for $55,000. He combines his mastery as a portrait, landscape and abstract artist and has received international recognition for his works, some of which can be found in the collections of Nelson Mandela, Hon. John Howard, and former Australian cricket captain Steve Waugh.

This 4ft x 3ft (1219mm x 914mm) 3D, framed acrylic on canvas is available for purchase for $20,000. 500 Limited edition Prints 780mm x 610mm are $150 (Unframed)

The 1st print, signed and framed is available for purchase for $1000

Prints 2-10 inclusive are signed and framed for purchase for $500

Tax deductible receipts are available upon request.

Proceeds from the painting and prints will be directed to our Library Upgrade which will help students who study at Alphacrucis.

For more information including payment options contact:

Jeremy Hodson, Development Officer

Alphacrucis PO Box 125 Chester Hill NSW

0064 2162 02 96459000


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