The Voice of a Generation

I don't want easy answers

The first Alphacrucis ad went on air on Shine TV on Wednesday 6th May 2009. Starring our very own students, the ad echoes the voice of a generation. Alphacrucis wants to be positioned as a contemporary and relevant Christian Ministry Training Centre.

The greatest challenge for a Christian College that offers Higher Education in the 21st century is to respond to the need to respect different worldviews, yet strongly uphold its revelation of values and truth. The new generation of students do not want to be told what to think, but want to be taught HOW to think, to explore, to investigate, to experiment and ultimately to discover wisdom and truth. This ad tries to capture their voice.

The ad is not trying to sell a product. It is trying to communicate to the world who we are at Alphacrucis and what our approach is to education. We hope that people young and old, who recognise something of themselves in the cries of the new generation, will be inspired to join us, either as students or as members of our community of faculty, staff and sponsors.

It is our dream that one day we will be a Christian University. A place where spiritual development, knowledge and research are inseparably connected. A place that acknowledges that there are no easy answers to the big questions in life, but simply offers education that inspires and transforms.


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