Education of Senior Leaders

“I started the MA program in Leadership at a key time in which my church had reached a point where fresh perspective was needed. It’s been the most significant leadership learning I’ve done in my 30 years as a leader.” -Paul Bartlett, Senior Pastor, Lighthouse Church, NSW Current student in the MA program

After only five years in educating senior leaders in Australia and New Zealand, the Alphacrucis School of Professional Studies has now one of the largest and most successful programs in Christian leadership in the region.

 The MA Leadership Program, with classes in Auckland, Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney and Perth also offers several of our electives in these regional centres and in distance mode. We believe in inspired learning for influential living.  

“I started the MA program in Leadership at a key time in which my church had reached a point where fresh perspective was needed. The course so far has provided clear understanding of what type of leader I was to become, what kind of changes we needed to make, and how to implement them. The MA Leadership course fills in the gaps for a leader by providing the x-factor a leader is looking for to grow their organisation. It’s been the most significant leadership learning I’ve done in my 30 years as a leader.” -Paul Bartlett, Senior Pastor, Lighthouse Church, NSW Current student in the MA program

Like Paul, more than 200 leaders have experienced (and are experiencing) first hand the transforming experience that through the Leadership Program. With dynamic new staff, updated services, and as always the most up-to-date teaching in innovative leadership principles, the Leadership Program is growing in stature and influence through the Australian Christian Churches and other Christian denominations.

 Designed to introduce leaders to ideas that are critically relevant to their organisational context, our classes integrate contemporary leadership principles with Biblical values.

The program consists of five leadership master classes, five electives, and the option of two additional leadership electives or a long essay.

Class sizes are strictly limited to facilitate maximum student interaction and group discussions.

The program is designed not only to equip leaders with knowledge and skills, but also to facilitate personal reflection and growth, with the understanding that transformation in leadership occurs from the inside out.

Among our students are pastors and leaders in Christian organisations, IT and health professionals, and business executives. Leaders in various contexts, our students directly implement what they learn in class to transform their current leadership context.

 Our lecturers are academics AND practitioners, experts in the field who bring contemporary leadership practices to the classroom based on their own experience. Besides delivering lectures, members of the faculty also participate in mentoring and student supervision.

Senior leaders with no prior university education can avail themselves of this outstanding professional development program. An alternative to traditional entry pathways to a master’s degree (through a Bachelor’s degree), the Master of Arts Leadership Program offers professional entry to leaders who have significant field experience. Furthermore, the first module of the course is specifically designed to provide the extra academic support needed by professional entry students.

We are also offering our senior leadership electives as professional development options for leaders who are not able to enrol in the whole program.

The next cohort is starting in February 2010 in Auckland and enrolments are open now.  

For further information or to enrol , please email or speak with our Enquiries Office on (09) 836 8232 or 0800 361 550


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