Heather & Primond Govender (Class of 1993)

To all Alumni Members In the words of a very wise man who said: Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”

On November 1993 in front of family and friends I graduated from Advance Ministry Training Centre (now Alphacrucis) with a Diploma in Bible and Pastoral Ministry. During my two years I was challenged to let God re-mould me and enlarge my worldview on Christianity. It was a life-changing experience which has held me in good stead to this day.

Whilst at Bible College Primod and I were involved in Church Planting working alongside Pastor Graham Davison. This was a wonderful learning curve for us as it showed us what prayer, hard work and faith can do. After Bible College we were blessed with our first child so when Primod was offered a position working for an IT company we decided to take the step and move across the Tasman.

Since then we have added two more children to the Govender Family and are currently residing in Canberra. Primod graduated from Advance in November 1993 and in July 2005 graduated from the University of Canberra with a MBA.

As a family we believe that education is important so when an opportunity came up for Primod to attend University we decided that once again God had made the path straight. Since then God has continued to show favour to us and Primod is currently working for IBM in Canberra. I

t always amazes me how when we trust God’s leading in our lifes various opportunities arise. Since receiving his MBA Primod and I have become trustees of Orphans Aid International. We are passionate about Orphans Aid and wholly support their mission - which is to do all we can to alleviate the suffering of the neediest, in particular orphans.

We are currently attending Christian City Church Canberra where Primod is a board member and myself involved in the Leadership Team for Kids Church. In the 15 years of marriage Primod and I have come to know that there is nothing more important then acknowledging Gods word and ways in our lives.

From the day we made a decision to follow Christ, to church and ministry opportunities, to going to Advance Training College (now Alphacrucis) to being married, to starting a family and moving to Australia, as we have put our trust in God, acknowledged him in everything we do, God has gone before us and made our path straight.


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